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LastPass Comparison

LastPass vs. Keeper

LastPass is an intuitive password management built for every type of user, from large businesses to personal users, which provides everyone with a password manager that’s convenient, secure, and free from hidden costs.

Free trial for all plans. No credit card required.

This article reviews comparable services as of August 15, 2024. Not every LastPass or Keeper Security service is listed, and not every matched service has exact feature-for-feature parity. 

Four reasons to use LastPass over Keeper

Easy to use interface

LastPass is a password manager designed for everyone, not just large and complex organizations. Additionally, LastPass is compatible with most all systems and devices for a seamless user experience.

Customizable to your needs

Admins get total control to flex LastPass to their organization’s needs, like native integrations with major identity providers for streamlining user management, flexible user privileges, detailed reporting, and more.

Avoid hidden costs

Don’t get surprised by add-ons and annual price increases. LastPass includes dark web monitoring and secure file storage in its base pricing, with only two optional add-ons: Advanced SSO and Advanced SSO + MFA.

Compliant to your needs

LastPass holds many third-party security certifications, like ISO 27001, BSI C5, and TRUSTe, to ensure your business remains compliant with national and industry-specific security and privacy standards.

Choose a plan that works for you


Gestione e condivisione delle password multi-dispositivo per 1 persona.

al mese
con fatturazione annuale*
  • Password illimitate
  • Accesso da tutti i dispositivi
  • Condivisione uno a molti
    Condivisione uno a molti

    Condividi password e credenziali di accesso con utenti LastPass attendibili, per un accesso pratico e sicuro agli account.

  • Generatore di password
  • Salvataggio e riempimento automatico
  • Monitoraggio del dark web
    Monitoraggio del dark web

    LastPass monitora costante i tuoi account confrontandone le informazioni di accesso con le credenziali violate presenti in un database e ti avvisa immediatamente se rileva una corrispondenza.

  • Dashboard di sicurezza
    Dashboard di sicurezza

    Valuta il punteggio di sicurezza delle password del tuo account e monitora gli account per verificarne l’eventuale coinvolgimento in una violazione informatica, tutto dalla tua Dashboard di sicurezza.

  • 1 GB di spazio di archiviazione file crittografato
    1 GB di spazio di archiviazione file crittografato

    Aumenta lo spazio di archiviazione per le note sicure, con un upgrade da 50 MB (piano Free) a 1 GB. Esegui il backup digitale dei documenti più importanti per conservarli in maniera sicura: passaporto, carte di credito, tessere di assicurazione sanitaria, documenti fiscali ecc.

  • Accesso senza password alla cassaforte
    Accesso senza password alla cassaforte

    Accedi alla cassaforte senza la password principale tramite l’autenticazione biometrica, un autenticatore basato su FIDO2 o l’app LastPass Authenticator. Gli utenti LastPass della versione Free possono usare solo l’app LastPass Authenticator per l’accesso senza password alla cassaforte.

  • Autenticazione a più fattori
  • Accesso di emergenza
    Accesso di emergenza

    Concedi a un altro utente LastPass un accesso singolo alla tua cassaforte, in caso di difficoltà o di emergenza.

  • Supporto personalizzato


Ideale per singoli team che vogliono iniziare a proteggere le loro password.

al mese per utente
con fatturazione annuale*
  • Una cassaforte digitale per ogni utente
    Una cassaforte digitale per ogni utente

    Con il piano Teams, ogni utente riceve una cassaforte personale crittografata con le funzionalità principali del piano Premium.

  • Console di amministrazione per gestire gli utenti
    Console di amministrazione per gestire gli utenti

    Da un unico centro di comando puoi controllare in modo semplice e unificato la sicurezza, le possibili violazioni dei dati, gli account e i criteri aziendali.

  • Dashboard di sicurezza del team
  • 25 criteri di sicurezza
  • Autenticazione a più fattori
  • Cartelle condivise
    Cartelle condivise

    Condividi con altri utenti di LastPass i dettagli di voci e account tramite comode cartelle: gli accessi saranno sicuri e autorizzati.

  • Ideale per le piccole imprese
  • Single Sign-On (SSO) non disponibile
  • Integrazioni di directory non disponibili
  • Reporting avanzato non disponibile

* Prezzo mensile con fatturazione annuale. Questa offerta esclusiva a tempo limitato scade il 31 ottobre 2024. Il prezzo promozionale è valido solo per il primo anno delle sottoscrizioni di LastPass Premium, Families, Teams o Business acquistate dai nuovi clienti e non si applica ai rinnovi o ai clienti esistenti né può essere utilizzato per un piano, un prodotto o un servizio LastPass differente.
Non ti senti ancora pronto a provare o acquistare un piano a pagamento? Allora prova il nostro piano gratuito! Puoi sempre passare a Premium in seguito.
Contatta l'ufficio vendite per informazioni sui pacchetti di licenze per siti. Una licenza per sito aziendale include un account LastPass per tutti i dipendenti a una tariffa unica, anziché variabile in base al numero di postazioni, consentendoti di assecondare la crescita della tua azienda con un’opportuna scalabilità e senza alcun costo aggiuntivo.
* Le eventuali imposte verranno applicate al momento del pagamento.

Apriamo la strada a una protezione pervasiva che ti libera dalle password


I clienti che proteggono le proprie password con LastPass

Best Software Awards per il miglior prodotto per la sicurezza


Vincitore ai Fortress Cyber Security Awards 2023

Autenticazione e identità

Leader nella gestione delle password

sulla base di 1.305 recensioni

Più di 100.000

Le aziende che scelgono LastPass

LastPass vs alternatives

LastPass comparison

LastPass vs 1Password

Compared to 1Password, LastPass gives admins more control over compliance and security while maintaining end-user convenience.

LastPass comparison

LastPass vs built-in password managers

Learn how standalone password manager like LastPass compares to free built-on solutions.

Confronto di LastPass

LastPass o Bitwarden?

In confronto a Bitwarden, LastPass offre più funzionalità con il suo piano gratuito e più funzioni come la condivisione delle password e il recupero dell’account.

Frequently asked questions

Is Keeper better than LastPass?

Keeper Security is a well-regarded password management solution designed for large organizations with complex technical and security needs. Driven by add-ons and annual price increases, Keeper offers a range of capabilities that many consumers, small businesses, and mid-sized organizations may not require.

LastPass is a solution designed for everyone, from the non-technical users in need of personal password management to tech-savvy IT admins who need to secure their enterprise organization. With LastPass, users can generate, save, autofill, manage, and share passwords from anywhere, on any device, while businesses get the flexibility to customize their solution to their needs – all with no hidden costs.

Is LastPass still safe in 2024?

Yes, LastPass is still safe in 2024. While LastPass experienced security incidents in the past, the effects of the events were minimal – no personal user data was accessed. Moreover, we were transparent with our customers the moment the incident was identified, informing them of what happened, what was impacted, and how we were acting to resolve the issue and tighten our security even further.

We remain committed to security practices at LastPass, maintaining global compliance certificates and implementing best-in-class security architecture practices, including top-of-the-line encryption, hashing, and salting at all entry points.

Security comes first at LastPass, and we’re continually evolving to remain ahead of an ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape.

LastPass secures all passwords, so you don't have to, ensuring that your most important credentials are protected, private, and always within reach. We have undergone an extensive security transformation; emerging as a stronger, more innovative, and independent company with an unwavering commitment to security, privacy, and customer satisfaction.

We seized a unique opportunity to implement an entirely new security and privacy infrastructure across our development and production environments, moved to a purpose-built, highly available and secure Cloud platform, rolled out an entirely new fleet of managed end user devices, and enhanced security and privacy within our digital vault, including achieving ISO 27701 compliance.

We’ve also invested significant resources to strengthen our privacy and security teams, establishing new business units, such as our Privacy Operations, Safety and Trust (POST) team, which focuses on safeguarding customer privacy and protecting against fraud and abuse. Additionally, our new Threat Intelligence, Mitigation, and Escalation (TIME) team provides actionable security insights and advanced threat intelligence on LastPass Labs, our content hub for the market and our customers.

We have documented so much of this journey through updated support articles and close to real-time monitoring of LastPass systems within our Compliance Center, keeping customers informed every step of the way.

What is more secure than LastPass?

LastPass is one of the most secure password management solutions available on the market. LastPass is committed to providing users with complete transparency, and we’re proud to discuss how we’ve built our security structure off best-in-class security practices.

LastPass is built on a zero–knowledge security model, which means your data is kept secret – even from us. Only you can unlock your encrypted password vault with your master password or biometrics. We also implement top-tier security measures, using 256-bit AES encryption plus PBKDF2 hashing with SHA-256 salting to protect, scramble, and anonymize user data.

We maintain a global data privacy program, which ensures that the data of our customers, users, and end-users are always protected and private. Moreover, LastPass has proved its security model through industry-tested compliance metrics. We’ve received third-party security certifications like ISO 27001, SOC2 Type II, SOC3, BSI C5, TRUSTe, and many more.

Lastly, we at LastPass value transparency more than anything else. That’s why we provide in-depth reports on the goings on at LastPass, and why we ask third-party professionals to investigate and test our security systems so we can maintain the best security standards possible.

Don't see your questions here? Visit Support Center.

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