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PeopleKeys Needed to Quickly Adapt for a Remote Workforce, secure shared passwords

LastPass offered a password vault with password management and shared folder solutions LastPass Outcomes.

LastPass Outcomes


Increased training capacity


Eliminated password disruption


Improved data security

“When things go wrong on the technology side, it makes us look bad. The fact that I’ve never had a problem on GoToMeeting, especially during live training sessions, is reason alone I would recommend GoToMeeting.” John Schindell

Director of Training, PeopleKeys

Customer Overview

PeopleKeys has had success in behavioral analysis and unlocking human potential for over 35 years. As a world leader in customized behavioral assessments and delivery systems, PeopleKeys prides itself on delivering excellent customer service, an international platform, and the most customizable and tailored solutions around.



When the COVID-19 pandemic unexpectedly forced businesses and their employees to work remotely for the foreseeable future, this posed a unique challenge for PeopleKeys.

A leading provider of behavioral assessments and team building, leadership, conflict resolution, and talent management training, development, and consulting, a substantial part of PeopleKeys’ work was conducted on-site and in-person.

With the announcement of the mandated stay-at-home order by their home state of Ohio, the sudden realization struck that they would need to quickly shift their way of doing business. They needed to adopt an entirely new approach by moving meetings and trainings with customers to occur virtually online.

Simultaneously, the PeopleKeys team raised the concern about security with the shift to working from home. Having experienced vulnerability issues in the past including stolen passwords, they knew they needed to take the necessary precautions to ensure sensitive customer data stayed secure behind strong passwords, enabling them to continued using shared passwords while also maintaining a master password.


After an extensive evaluation of potential software, PeopleKeys chose a combined solution of GoTo products, GoToMeeting and LastPass.


GoToMeeting offers a reliable and easy-to-navigate interface that PeopleKeys was looking for to empower their teams to stay connected. The solution also provides personal meeting rooms with customized URLs, which John Schindell, Director of Training, and colleague Emily Miller, Marketing Manager, leveraged to hop into this always-on collaboration space whenever they needed to communicate.

“GoToMeeting was the next best thing to being able to talk to each other next to each other,” said.

As the pandemic acted as a forcing mechanism to accelerate PeopleKeys’ adoption of virtual customer training, GoToMeeting became the supporting platform. Whereas before they could spend a week visiting one client for an in-person training, now they can schedule multiple trainings for the very next day.

This has also helped expand their reach and increase the number of clients they can serve globally.

Global Capacity of GoToMeeting: “It’s increased our capacity to deliver training worldwide with the GoToMeeting technology. It’s been a real benefit to us,” said Schin.

LastPass was leveraged to enable the team utilize strong, shared passwords. Not only was this a crucial and progressive step towards im- proved data security, but it also aided in their GDPR compliance.

When an employee leaves the company, PeopleKeys simply removes access to LastPass to ensure that only current employees are able to log in to key sites or applications.

In addition, when the team moved to working from home full time, LastPass played a vital role in easing the burden of that shift.

“I could access all my programs from home. I didn’t have to worry. Just add LastPass to your browser, enter your master password, log in and boom, everything is there. It was a huge benefit to have that,” said Miller.


PeopleKeys has already seen leading indicators of success.

By moving their customer trainings to occur solely online via GoToMeeting, PeopleKeys has increased their training capacity by about 50%. They have also seen zero password disruptions using shared password with LastPass, a vast improvement from their previous weekly IT tickets.

  • Training capacity increased 50%
  • Password disruptions

When asked to summarize her overall experience with GoToMeeting and LastPass, Miller stated, “I think it all goes back to the reliability, ease of use, and ability to do your job better, no matter where you are in the world.”

“I definitely recommend LastPass. It’s an easy and effective solution for managing passwords and keeping your business data protected. It’s just simple and makes work easier.” Emily Miller

Marketing Manager, PeopleKeys

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