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Tessella needed a secure password sharing system

For Tessella, the true business value of LastPass is seen in two areas: enabling employees to securely and efficiently share passwords, and the ability to prove this behavior to client security audit teams.

LastPass Outcomes

Greater productivity

Improved security

Secure password sharing

“It’s clear that LastPass has been developed by people who understand the problem they’re trying to solve.” Steve Jackson Head of Information Systems, Tessella

Customer Overview

Tessella is an analytics and data science consulting services firm headquartered in the UK with offices in the Netherlands, the United States and Spain.

For over 40 years, Tessella been forging partnerships with clients to pioneer innovation. They’ve helped industry leaders change the way the world works. From discovering new drug treatments to harnessing green energy, their work makes a difference.

Now they’re taking a new step in their journey as the Hybrid Intelligence team within Capgemini Engineering.


As with most modern companies, Tessella’s employees use a variety of cloud apps on a daily basis, many of which require credentials that need to be shared with team members, including secure password sharing. To maintain the security of their clients and Tessella itself, employees had adopted a variety of approaches to sharing credentials, which maintained security but were cumbersome and inefficient to operate. But inevitably a password would be changed and need to be shared again to avoid someone getting locked out. Steve Jackson, lead for Tessella’s Information Systems team, acknowledged that this was not only a frustration, but also posed security risks to the business, which is why he was committed to solving it.


The IT team at Tessella began to search for a true enterprise-level password management solution for secure password sharing and discovered LastPass. During an initial trial, they soon realized not only the convenience that LastPass’ sharing functionality offers employees, but also the security LastPass provides for IT admins. With more than 100 security policies in place, Tessella can customize controls placed on its employees based on their exact need. “It’s clear that LastPass has been developed by people who understand the problem they’re trying to solve,” said Jackson.

To get up and running, Tessella leveraged LastPass’ training materials and FAQs. The company also worked with its Early Life LastPass Customer Success Manager (CSM) to coordinate training for employees that included installing LastPass, filling up their vaults and creating shared folders.


Through the LastPass Onboarding program and dedicated customer support manager (CSM), Tessella had nearly 100% of its employees onboarded within two months of purchasing LastPass. Tessella’s employees quickly realized that LastPass makes it simpler for them to log into apps and get their work done, and the confidence of secure password sharing.

For Jackson, the true business value of LastPass is seen in two areas: enabling employees to securely and efficiently share passwords, and the ability to prove this behavior to client security audit teams.

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