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O que há na sua carteira digital?

Aproveite tudo o que uma carteira digital pode oferecer.

What is a digital wallet?

A “digital wallet” is a blanket term for a range of technology that helps you store payment information and make transactions digitally. A digital wallet allows you to do away with cash and physical credit cards in favor of electronic transactions and payment methods, usually relying on your phone to transmit payment data securely.

Built for storing passwords, credit cards, and more, LastPass works great as a simple, secure digital wallet. It facilitates online shopping for all e-commerce websites so that your shopping experience is much faster, no matter what device you use. If you ever leave home without your wallet, you can always look up your cards in LastPass.

How it works

You can shop online without ever having to pull out your physical wallet. Simply log in to your favorite online shop using a password manager like LastPass. Then when you check out, an icon will appear that you can click to autofill your contact information – like your address and phone number – as well as your credit card number.

It’s just as easy when on the go. Eliminate the need to type your passwords on mobile with the LastPass extensions for Safari and Chrome on iOS, and the app fill features on Android. Save even more time with the simple copy-paste shortcuts, too.

Benefits of a digital wallet

  • Do your online shopping faster thanks to automated form filling.
  • Keep your credit cards securely stored in your LastPass digital wallet. It’s safe enough for your passwords, so it can be trusted with sensitive information too.
  • Protect your information by no longer saving your credit card numbers on various websites with unproven security. You can have both convenience and security with your LastPass digital wallet.
  • Create multiple payment profiles to easily store and use different cards for different purposes. One could have your corporate credit card and one personal.
  • Share credit card numbers or other information like health insurance cards with your family using LastPass Families. You no longer need to physically be in the same place to share something from your wallet.

Where should I use my digital wallet?

Mobile banking made easy

We all know how important it is to protect our banking accounts with strong passwords. But logging in to your mobile banking apps with those strong passwords gets tedious, fast. By storing usernames and passwords in LastPass, you can quickly fill or copy-paste your credentials.

Easily log in to payment providers

If you use peer-to-peer payment sites like PayPal or Venmo, your digital wallet can store all your logins for you.

No more digging for your wallet

When you’re checking out online, there’s no more need to go find your wallet and painstakingly type in your credit card number. Creating a profile in your password manager ensures you always have your card on hand when you're ready to make a purchase. It also lets you easily check out as a guest if you'd prefer not to store your credit card with every online vendor you use.

Protect your digital wallet with two-factor authentication

It may be difficult to secure your physical wallet, but storing your payment information in LastPass allows you to not only protect that information with a strong master password but also two-factor authentication. Two-factor authentication simply adds another login step, requiring an authentication code, fingerprint swipe, or approval notification before access is granted.

How secure is my digital wallet?

If you use LastPass as your digital wallet, it’s very secure. With local-only encryption, your data is encrypted and decrypted at the device level. Data stored in your vault is kept secret, even from LastPass. Your master password, and the keys used to encrypt and decrypt data, are never sent to LastPass servers, and are never accessible by LastPass. We are also SOC 2 Type II compliant. This detailed review of our controls and processes is a “gold standard” for confirming the security and reliability of LastPass.

It's safe to say that this electronic wallet is much more secure than the physical one you carry around in your pocket every day.

Aprovado por milhões de usuários, reconhecido por especialistas


de clientes protegem suas senhas com o LastPass

Best Software Awards na categoria Melhor Produto de Segurança


A solução de gerenciamento de senhas do ano

CyberSecurity Breakthrough

Líder em gerenciamento de senhas

Com base em 1.305 avaliações


Classificação na Chrome Web Store e na App Store

Com base em mais de 79.300 avaliações

“Eu gosto do LastPass porque ele é fácil de usar e intuitivo. Ele se integra bem com todos os sites e mantém a segurança de todas as minhas contas pessoais e de trabalho. É um verdadeiro alívio saber que posso organizar minhas senhas em pastas, compartilhá-las com outras pessoas e só precisar decorar uma única senha mestre para que tudo fique protegido por criptografia.”

Kenny Kolijn

Coach empresarial autônomo

“Eu uso o LastPass tanto no trabalho quanto na vida pessoal. Com ele, eu tenho segurança para armazenar e compartilhar senhas com a minha família e com meus colegas em ambientes separados. Além disso, adoro poder gerar senhas aleatórias e superseguras, garantindo que eu não caia na tentação de reutilizar a mesma senha.”

Erik Eckert

Administrador de sistemas, MPE Engineering Ltd.

“O LastPass é fundamental para quem lida com dados de outras pessoas, como é o caso da minha empresa. Usamos o LastPass para organizar credenciais confidenciais de clientes, e nunca ficamos na mão. O nível de segurança nos dá flexibilidade para não precisar compartilhar senhas diretamente com um fornecedor ou colaborador.”

Sarah Perry

Diretora sênior de marketing, pequena empresa

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