Enhanced password management and security accessible across all your devices.
Upgrade you secure notes storage from 50 MB (Free plan) to 1 GB. Digitally backup critical documents you want to keep safe: passport, credit cards, insurance cards, tax documents, etc.
Share passwords and log-in credentials with LastPass users you trust for convenient, safe account access.
Enhance security by employing fingerprint sensors and card readers or 3rd-party hardware key, YubiKey.
Grant one-time access to your vault to another LastPass user in the event of an emergency or crisis.
Secure password management for up to 6 users with easy, unlimited password sharing.
Manage up to 6 family members: monitor account security, grant and control membership, and organize shared credentials.
Every Families member gets an independent, encrypted password vault, that no one – not even a family admin – can access. Vaults include all LastPass Premium features.
Share as many account details and items with fellow LastPass users in convenient folders, ensuring access is authorized and safe.